Bartop Games

Bartop games are the new “big thing!” Complimentary to jukeboxes and video poker, your customers now have another choice of entertainment inside of your establishment. Software choices are endless, and can be customized for all age groups. Whether you are adding this to an all-ages arcade, within and adult-only establishment, or a family welcome restaurant that converts to an adult-only lounge in the evening, these games are completely customizable. Bartop games can deliver added enjoyment to your customers and an additional revenue center for your business.

  • JVL Retro<br /><br />The Retro has a 17-inch LCD, power pad and software that contains over 120 games. The cabinet was designed to emulate the old bubble jukebox.
    JVL Retro
  • Megatouch RX<br /><br />The Merit RX is the latest member of the Merit lineup. The RX has a 19-inch LCD and a sleek, slanted design. With over 150 games, players are sure to find something to enjoy.
    Megatouch RX
  • JVL Vortex<br /><br />The Vortex has a 17-inch LCD, power pad, and software that contains over 120 games. The cabinet was designed to be sleek and charming.
    JVL Vortex
  • JVL Echo<br /><br />The Echo is the latest member of the JVL lineup. The Echo has a 22-inch LCD with some games offered in HD and surround sound. The Echo has a very unique and modern design.
    JVL Echo
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